Proud of our Customer base
Each customer is unique. We are attuned to the extreme complexity of modern manufacturing control technology. Progress to advanced automation requires an integrator with an all-embracing view of both new and emerging technologies. We listen, advise,
analyze, assist and, when called, implement them in our customers’ best interests. Advanced processes adjust to 100 th of a second, work to tolerances of microns, under unprecedented constraints of pressure, temperature and absolute atmospheric purity.
Familiar with the solutions, we are aware of their respective merits. Our implementation methodology privileges incremental fine-tuning. But as an integrator, our response boldly envisions overarching solutions that encompass complex needs.
All Visionic customers, both old and new, present us with the challenge of successful innovation.
We look at each project with new eyes—and with original machine vision solutions.
As an integrator, we partner you in life-long operational support and a shared vision of the future.
Visionic, from among tried and trusted solutions, “picks and places” the most suitable while setting the stage for the potential integration of the latest, cutting-edge systems.
Visionic experts absorb your fundamental needs. Once clarified through analysis and discussion, our solutions are tailored to meet and exceed your expectations. Visionic R&D is further attuned to the Internet of Things and to information processing of unprecedented complexity and proximity to real-time processes, that heralds neural networks and the 4.0 Revolution.
Whatever your industry, Visionic’s methodology identifies solutions not only tried and trusted but breakthrough. We support you in your choices. With our performance contracts, we tie our success to your productivity and profitability.
These are some of the companies that Visionic is proud to have worked for.

Food industry

Metallurgy – Steel-making


Integrator / Other
Reach out to a Visionic Consultant. We’re ready to meet you.